The tropes of the media visual text

  • Larysa Masimova Institute of Journalismof Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: mass media visual text, visual tropes, types of visual tropes, syncretic codes, functional characteristics of visual tropes


The purpose of visual media text is to inform the audience, unlike the works of art, where the main task is to cause aesthetic awareness. The visual text achieves its goal through images that are always emotionally colored. These emotionality and illusion of autonomy of information comprehension make the visual media texts most interesting for the message consumer.

Today the visual text is the subject of research of various scientific disciplines. The philosophers are trying to understand the ontological and epistemological aspects of visual images and their role in human life. Within psychology, the visual text is traditionally of interest to researchers as a subject of perception. The scientists are most interested in visual text within linguistic studies, in the center of which is the study of visual language. The success was achieved by those scientists who used the semiotic methods in their works. In cultural studies, the scientists “are trying to understand the features of visualization and its role in cultural transformations”.

Recently the sociologists have turned onto visual text as an instrument of social communication.

The paper examines the specifics of tropes of a mass-media visual text. In particularly it describes the mechanism of generation of visual tropes, identifying their types and determining the functional characteristics of tropes in a composite structure of the mass-media visual text.

The study founds that the mechanism for generation of visual tropes is run after identifying clearly an idea of the text and its objectives at the planning phase of visual text when it becomes a symbios of image and word.

At the third level of coding (the level of tropes) the mass-media visual texts generate syncretic codes that is due to structural and semantic proximity of visual and verbal tropes. This proximity allows us to speak about the tropes of a mass-media visual text in terms of linguistics: epithet, litotes, hyperbole, oxymoron, metaphor, comparison. It has been revealed that functional characteristic of the tropes is realized by the means of: meaning-making, composition, appraisive and communicative functions.


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Author Biography

Larysa Masimova, Institute of Journalismof Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Candidate of Sciences on Social Communications, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Masimova, L. (2016). The tropes of the media visual text. Integrated Communications, (1), 60-65.
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