Influence of slogans on human benavior as the method of manipulation by consciousness

  • Tamara Kutsai Institute of JournalismBorys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: impact on human consciousnes, manipulation, information society, information security


This article studies the new methods of impact on human consciousness and those that occurred in the history of Ukraine in the period from 1917 to 1920. Those methods were applied to manipulate the behavior of individuals in order to achieve the manipulators’ objectives. The issue is becoming more and more relevant in terms of developed information societies and is an essential component of information security. The mentioned analysis allows to study the situation in this field in depth, to learn about the consequences of certain social phenomena that allows to develop the measures to prevent mass manipulation. The relevance of the research is that communication is an important tool for achieving a certain goal in the information sphere, primarily because of their strong influence on public consciousness and, consequently, the effective and expansive formation of certain models of behavior of a huge number of individuals. Human consciousness becomes the object of manipulating by both internal political forces of different directions and external information influences, which is quite relevant during the period of information wars. The objective of the study is to reveal the influence of slogans on the behavior of wider population at the beginning of the last century (during 1917-1920 of the twentieth century), when seemingly incredible and phantasmagoric Bolshevik slogans drastically influenced the fate of millions of Ukrainians and determined the future of Ukraine for many years to come. That is when the expansive formation and
dissemination of ideas without proper reflection led to irreversible and tragic historical consequences.In the proposed work, the effect of slogans on the behavior of people is examined through the prism of influence of printed periodicals, the most widespread in the early twentieth century, and the most effective in terms of providing information to the widest range of readers of the media.


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Author Biography

Tamara Kutsai, Institute of JournalismBorys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Editor-in-Chief of the Educational Production Studio of Television Journalism Institute of Journalism Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


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How to Cite
Kutsai, T. (2017). Influence of slogans on human benavior as the method of manipulation by consciousness. Integrated Communications, (3), 28-31.
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