Library pedagogics or Education through the book
The article covers the theoretical issues of library pedagogy, it is defined its certain functions and tasks. The general forms and methods of work of the librarian and the teacher in education by the books are revealed. On the concrete examples it is proved the relevance of implementation of library pedagogy in the modern schools and children’s libraries.
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Borodina V . A . Theory and Technology of Reading Development in the Domestic Librarianship: a Monograph in 2 parts . / V . Borodina . – M . : Shkol’naja biblioteka, 2006 . – 336 s.
Honcharenko S . I . Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary/ S . Honcharenko . – K .: Lybid’, 1997 . – 376 s.
Hrinchenko B . The Entire World is facing Us / Borys Hrinchenko . – K .: Druk . S . A . Borysova, 1907 . – 318 s.
Sukhomlyns’kyy V . The Selected Works in 5 Vol . / V . Sukhomlyns’kyy . – K .: Rad .shkola, 1976 . – 654 s.
Fitsula M . M . Pedagogy : a Textbook / M .fitsula . – K . : Akademvydav, 2009 . – 560 s.
Chernysh N . The Basics of Bibliology : a Textbook / N . Chernysh . – K . : Nasha kul’tura i nauka, 2014 . – 219 s.
Reading as a Hobby [Tekst]; Sost . – red .o . L .Kabachek, E . V . Kulikova . –M . : RGDB, 2006 . – 315 s.