Archetype in a media text: space images
The article studies the space images that are the basis for the mental fields represented in the Ukrainian media space. In general, the material provided is a part of a comprehensive research devoted to the special nature of space images in the textual communication, including in belles-lettres and media. In the author’s opinion, particular space concepts as a basis of the mental field of the information consumer, specify the interpretation of this information and create an opportunity for miscellaneous information manipulations. In the article a concept of a mental map, which is the key one for the theory of space mental mapping is used. The Ukrainian media space shows a clear opposition of “east”- “west” in the context of establishing the positive/negative and axiological; as well as they display the fixation of particular geographic myths taken as an axiom and failed to become a subject of reflection and re-assessment not only by ordinary information consumers but also by the authors of media texts in the reality changed.
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