In the modern world of mass communication and rapid development of information technologies, media article headlines play an important role, performing the functions of attracting attention, interest, informing, and guiding the reader. Creating unique and effective headlines is a key task for authors, as successful headlines not only emotionally impact on the audience but also increase reader activity, promote search engine optimization, and determine the tone and context of the material.
The study of phraseological units in the headlines of online publications is relevant due to their ability to convey complex ideas and emotions in a concise form. Phraseological units reflect the linguistic and cultural characteristics of a society; therefore, a comparative analysis of Ukrainian and Polish headlines allows for the identification of specific features and common trends in these cultures. The analysis of the use of phraseological units helps to understand the communicative strategies of journalists and editors, as well as contributes to the development of the theory of media broadcasting and the practice of creating headlines. The use of phraseological units in headlines stimulates innovation in both linguistic research and practical journalism.
The purpose of this article is to conduct a linguistic and socio-communicative analysis of the use of phraseological units in the headlines of Ukrainian and Polish electronic media. The study was conducted using contextual, typological, and descriptive methods, as well as discourse analysis and content analysis. The sample consists of materials from Ukrainian and Polish electronic publications, which made it possible to identify common and distinctive features in the use of phraseological units.
The results of the study demonstrate examples of headlines with phraseological models such as «verb + noun in an indirect case + adverbial modifier», «verb + preposition + noun», and others. Phraseological units in article headlines are a powerful tool that significantly affects readers’ perception of the material, demonstrating the richness of linguistic culture and the importance of emotional context in communication.
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