• Olha Hutsol Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
  • Raisa-Ulianna Hutsol Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
Keywords: mass media, policy, manipulations, online survey, political beliefs, civil position.


In today’s world, full of information and manipulation, trust in the media becomes a key factor in the formation of political attitudes and beliefs of the younger generation. Media and politics interact in complex and ambiguous ways, influencing the political beliefs and preferences of different generations of society through their influence on the mind and feelings. Mass media, as an integral component of the global information panorama, perform the role not only of news providers but also of active agents of political socialization because it is in the university environment, where students are at the crossroads of educational and civic activity, that their worldview and future civic activity is formed. Positions This scientific article is devoted to the study of the influence of mass media on the political preferences and beliefs of Ukrainian students. Considering the theoretical aspects of the influence of the media on the formation of a political worldview, the practical dimensions of this influence are also analyzed, the role of media coverage in the formation of political beliefs among the student audience. Interaction with various media platforms, including traditional media and activity in digital social networks, not only provides students with the opportunity to receive various information but also forms their critical perception of political reality. It is important to understand exactly how trust or distrust of mass media determines the formation of political preferences and beliefs, what the markers of trust or distrust are, and how students see the ways of forming a politically conscious and active personality. The relevance of this topic also lies in the fact that political preferences and beliefs shape not only the individual worldview of an individual student but also determine the socio-political activity of subsequent generations. Understanding how media influence this process can serve as a basis for developing effective media education strategies to develop critical thinking and analytical skills among the student community.


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Author Biographies

Olha Hutsol, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

PhD of political sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

Raisa-Ulianna Hutsol, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

student Faculty of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University


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How to Cite
Hutsol, O., & Hutsol, R.-U. (2024). MEDIA AND POLITICS: HOW MASS MEDIA INFLUENCE STUDENT`S POLITICAL BELIEFS AND PREFERECES. Integrated Communications, (1 (17), 115-122.
Theory and practice of journalism