Socio-cultural dynamics of activity of the library of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Broadcasting and dissemination of culture in the society is the main function of each institution of education and, first of all, the university. For many centuries of existence the university has changed its character, content, forms and methods of educational activities: from the repeater of knowledge accumulated in the past, in the Middle Ages – to the center of national culture and the center of Enlightenment through the media and provision of various services at the present stage. All this time the library was and remains the most important structural subdivision of the university.
In recent years, the spiritual culture, preservation of national memory and education are important aspects of the activity of each library, in particular, the libraries of a higher educational institution.
The prospects for development of the library are based on combination of traditional forms of work and widespread introduction of the modern computer and telecommunication technologies, informatization of library processes, provision of scientific and methodological support for various activities of the university.
The modern mission of the university library is to promote harmonious development of a harmonious individual, to ensure his/her educational, scientific and cultural needs through creation of a modern library and information educational environment.
Today one of the priorities of the university library is to develop electronic resources, namely an e-library based on its own resources with access to high-quality world scientific information (distant resources). The library is sticking insistently at this task, trying to provide the scholars and students with an opportunity to become acquainted with world digital content.
It is examined the general issues of development of the university libraries as cultural centers. It is analyzed a socio-cultural component of the library of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University; it is noted its positive socio-cultural dynamics.
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