Narratives of Media Education of Modern Liberal Information Culture
The scientific understanding of the narratives of media enlightenment of the modern theory of liberal culture and the factor of functioning of its carriers in the conditions of historical and contemporary aspects of the communication transformation of society is a relevant and undeniable fact of the modern science of social communications. The description of the theory of liberal information culture from the point of view of typology and the principles of identifying the primary and fundamental nature of the fact and the possibility of its free interpretation in the realization of the interpretive resources of the carriers of information culture, which forms a specific feature of liberalism in their totality — free personal social evaluation. Despite several centuries of actual spread within the global information environment, liberalism (both as a philosophical trend, theoretical current, and informational practice) stands in a certain way aside from serious research in social communications. Modern mass communication, increasingly clearly and unequivocally drawing the border between the demonstration characteristics of a communication product based on the principle of online or offline, leaves both severe topics and problems, as well as the seriousness of approaches to their coverage, out of the context of the audience’s attention. The study aims to reveal the key factors of the modern and historical aspects of the carriers of Ukrainian liberal information culture. Following the purpose of the research, we defined the following tasks: to find out the content and audience characteristics of social communications as the basic concepts of the functioning of liberal information culture. The methodological basis of the research is a combination of general scientific methods and particular methods and approaches to the study of regularities and features of information processes and phenomena. As for the comprehensive system of scientists in the theoretical component of the research on Ukrainian information culture of the second half of the 19th — beginning of the 20th century, this approach leaves out of the research field two popular opposite paradigms of information culture: the so-called Modern project and the Postmodern project. Accordingly, the research results are specific general ontological grounds for the universal unity of things, people, events, and reports about them, hence — universal criteria for evaluation and interpretation of everything. In this understanding, the informational and cultural world is a universe of all possible meanings, contents, and guidelines of human existence, transmitted to a person at any time and space.
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