Publishing centers in the western Ukrainian territories of XVI–XVII centuries, the ir role in preservation of the Ukrainian spiritual culture

  • Mariia Makarova Institute of journalism of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: publishing centers, Ukrainian spiritual culture, old books


In view of the problems related to book printing in our country, beginning from its independence, bypassing the long historiographic excursions, we will look at the Ukrainian book printing on the western lands of the late XVI the middle of the XVII century, in the period when it began to stand out in a separate direction of writing, becaming an act of restoring historical memory, primarily on the basis of ancient Old Rus chronicles and Polish chronicles as an additional source of information. It became the main intellectual stimulator in revival of historical consciousness of Ukrainians, who, mastering the models and methods of Latin scholarship, selected from heritage of the past, first of all, the evidence of the historical rights of Rus community.

The writing has always substantially expanded the possibilities for dissemination and preservation of spiritual culture, and introduction of printing enabled to involve significantly wider segments of the population into Ukraine's cultural and political life, encouraging the unity of culture development of various regions of Ukraine. The spread of printing became an integral part of the national-cultural and spiritual revival of the Ukrainian people in the XVIXVII centuries. In this context, the study of book-writing and book-printing helps us to trace the integration processes in the Ukrainian culture, aimed at encouraging to spread and to ensure continuity.

In the article, on the basis of complex analysis of the published and newly discovered archival materials and early-printed books, an attempt was made to reveal the role and significance of certain printing centers on the western Ukrainian lands in development of Ukrainian culture in the second half of XVIXVII centuries. The historical conditions and tendencies of development of Ukrainian book printing of the studied period are revealed. The peculiarities of printing on the western Ukrainian lands, especially the use of Ukrainian early-printed books in liturgical practice and scientific and educational activities, including church servants and population of other confessions, are revealed. The importance of printing for development of the Ukrainian culture in the second half of XVIXVIII centuries is characterized.


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Author Biography

Mariia Makarova, Institute of journalism of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Candidate of Sciences on Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Institute of Journalism of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University       


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How to Cite
Makarova, M. (2016). Publishing centers in the western Ukrainian territories of XVI–XVII centuries, the ir role in preservation of the Ukrainian spiritual culture. Integrated Communications, (1), 71-77.
Book science, library science and bibliography