Collection of literary and artistic works for modern teenagers: a problem of editing
The reason for the research was the editorial task: to arrange the collection of literary and artistic works of contemporary writers for a teenage audience on the base of materials that were received by an editors office (a collective project of the Union of Writers of Ukraine and publishing house «Veselka»).
The redaction of a collection of literary and artistic works for teens is the most difficult direction of editorial and publishing activity at any time, and especially today, when the information environment, scientific and technical support of editorial and publishing processes, psychology of perception of information by the recipient and the structure of literary discourse change rapidly due to many factors. The role of a book in development of a teenager, promotion of his/her socialization, his/her choice of valuable life benchmarks, awareness of national-cultural affiliation, etc., is vitally important. So the significance of this study is undeniable.
The objective of the article is to find out the features of modern teenage readership and the literary and creative reflection of the author's environment. During the research, the following tasks were performed: 1) the modern adolescent audience was described and its information needs were defined; 2) the experience of book publishing organizations of Ukraine in compliance with their editions for children of middle school age was studied; 3) the works of modern authors proposed for printing were analyzed.
The problems of editing of collection of literary and artistic works for modern teenagers are considered in the article. In particular the psychology of development of modern teenage audience and its attitude to books are characterized. The author of the research focuses on the study of information, aesthetic and spiritual needs of young readers. The problem of author’s understanding of audience is emphasized. The modern publishing experience of various regions of Ukraine that is oriented on the certain audience is studied.
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