The modern marketing communications and algorithmization of business processes

  • Оleksandr Kurban Institute of Journalismof Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: marketing communications, algorithms, systems of support of managerial decisions


Currently the problems of schematization and algorithmization of the modern marketing communications is one of the most important field-specific issues for the science and practice of social communications. It is possible to resolve this problem only through cooperate on of practitioners and academics who are involved into studying the mentioned field. The article represents an attempt to systematize and to implement a basic classification of the processes in the context of this issue.

The traditionally marketing communications are considered as the process of   passing information about a product or a service (price, quality, means of sale) to the target audiences in order to develop an idea of the company's overall marketing strategy.

The purpose of marketing communications is to raise the interest of the consumer audience or to convince it to accept a particular offer, to look at the product or service through the eyes of its creators or sellers.

Therefore, the objective of the article is to determine the basic directions and algorithms for marketing communications building.

In the course of the research, the following tasks were fulfilled: 1) the specifics of modern marketing communications were considered; 2) the existing attempts to systematize communication processes in marketing were analyzed; 3) the basic principles were formulated and the ways to further study of this issue were determined.


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Author Biography

Оleksandr Kurban, Institute of Journalismof Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Candidate of Sciences on Social Communciations, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
KurbanО. (2016). The modern marketing communications and algorithmization of business processes. Integrated Communications, (1), 43-48.
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