• Viktoriia Ivashchenko Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка
Keywords: scientific concept, ethics of terminology, content of concept, functioning, paradigm


Today, it is justified the expediency of reviving somewhat forgotten in the scientific circles the concept of “ethics of terminology”, which is part of the paradigm of scientific concepts “ethics of science” / “scientific ethics”, “linguistic ethics” / “linguistic”, “linguistic ethics”, “ethics of speech / speech”, “the ethics of the word”, “ethos of post-classical science”, etc. The proposed exploration compares the correlations between the above concepts in Polish, Ukrainian and Russian, and comments on the views of some linguists as for peculiarities of their functioning in different lingual spaces. Against the background of the delimitation of these units, the content and modern understanding of the term “ethics of terminology”, which at one time introduced the Ch.S. Pier. Taking into account the specifics of the use of technical and humanitarian terminology on time, the introduction of the concepts of “technical ethics ethics of technical terminology” and “ethics of terminology of humanities” (“ethics of philosophical terminology”, “ethics of grammatical terminology”, etc.).

DOI: 10.28925/2524-2644.2018.6.7


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How to Cite
Ivashchenko, V. (2018). CONCEPT “ETHICS OF TERMINOLOGY” IN THE CORRELATION OF CONNECTED CONSTITUTIONS. Integrated Communications, (6), 54-58.
Термінологічна консультація