Trends of development of the professional education of archivists in the Information, Library and Archival Specialty in the context of European experience

  • Mariia Makarova Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка
Keywords: archival work, professional training of archivists, practice-oriented training, professional competences


The article is devoted to the most pressing challenge of training archivists in Ukraine, which became especially relevant after gaining of independence in the early 1990s, when the restitution of the archival scholarly tradition destroyed in the 1930s began. The author refers to a series of laws adopted in the 1990s that created the basis for the implementation of modern information relations. European approaches to the training of specialists in archival affairs, the prospects of training archivists of the specialty «Information, library and archival affairs» at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University are investigated in the article. The list of the basic forms of archival education created due to the analysis of its European tendencies is given. Also general and professional competences, which are concentrated on practice-oriented education of students and on involving them in relevant activities, are explored. The researcher concludes that practice-oriented training is also important for better adaptation of graduates to market conditions and their employment; it increases the competitiveness of young professionals and their social protection.

DOI: 10.28925/2524-2644.2018.6.6


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How to Cite
Makarova, M. (2018). Trends of development of the professional education of archivists in the Information, Library and Archival Specialty in the context of European experience. Integrated Communications, (6), 50-53.
Архівознавство та документознавство