• Svitlana M. Vernyhora Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: advertising, advertising text, book, copywriting, publishing, summary, target audience, the AIDA model


The relevance of the research is the study of a book summary as an advertising text which is due to transformations of the information market that significantly changed the situation in the publishing business. In particular, the need to buy printed edition disappeared in the Ukrainian society after the invention of the Internet. Readers won’t buy book printed editions because of free access to the same books or similar information on the Internet. The main objective of the research is to study a book summary as an advertising text, in particular, to apply principles and rules of copywriting of printed texts to the book summary. The methods that were used to achieve the main objective are common methods of scientific knowledge, in particular, such as analysis method, synthesis method, generalization method, and descriptive method. The descriptive method was applied to characterize conditions of publishing activity and the requirements to the modern publishing market. The analysis method was used to study summaries of book editions, the synthesis method was applied to identify disadvantages of book summaries, the generalization method was used to define the problem and propose an algorithm of its solution. The main results of the study showed that in the time of developed information technologies and the open information space, the summary of the modern Ukrainian book should be created not only according to publishing standards but also adhere to the laws of advertising sphere. Authors and publishers should be aware of the latest trends, innovations in the publishing, effectively use advertising and PR tools to compete with national as well as foreign publishing product, which is also present on the Ukrainian market. The significance of the study is to identify the main disadvantages of the book summary, which influence on its further sale. In particular, it was proposed to combine principles of the AIDA marketing model with standards of a book summary in order to increase book purchasing power. The conclusion of the research is that the book summary is one of the incentive tools that argue into buying a book by a potential consumer and therefore requires a combination of publishing standards and advertising principles.



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Author Biography

Svitlana M. Vernyhora, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Candidate of Sciences on Social Communications, Associate Professor, Institute of Journalism
of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


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How to Cite
Vernyhora, S. M. (2018). BOOK SUMMARY AS AN ADVERTISING TEXT. Integrated Communications, (6), 6-11.
Advertising and public relation