Peculiarities and conditions of activity of book publishing houses of Ukraine in the modern media space
In the information society the status of information is changing: this
main value of global civilization becomes an important resource of socio-
economic, technological and cultural development. The rapid development of virtual technologies and the growing number of Internet users in Ukraine and in the world causes the new challenges to communication of each organization. The book publishers are also obliged to respond to these processes. However, the works devoted directly to publishers’ communication in the modern media space are still
lacking in Ukraine. The objective of the article is to clarify peculiarities and conditions of the activities of Ukrainian book publishers in today’s media space which is an important issue today. It is analyzed the literature and sources on this issue and it is ascertained the theoretical and practical possibilities to take into account the trends in the world of modern media in the PR-activity of book publishers. Also the prospects for further scientific study and practical use of PR-communications in
the activity of publishers are determined. The analysis of current changes in the modern information space allows us to trace the general tendencies: the new subject and object areas are formed; the number of subjects is expanded; the new formats of interaction within the system
of communications of the organization and in society as a whole are created. That means that publishing house’s PR-communications are complicated by the emergence of new elements, such as active audience, social networks as communication channels, promotions on the Internet and others. PR communication in the Internet space is the most effective and inexpensive tool for interaction of publishers with active audiences. Thus, the activation of PR communication in the modern media space is associated with the emergence of the latest information technologies, online media as well as development of Internet. The use of online channels of Internet for communication with the target audience of publishing organizations has certain advantages over traditional media. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the information saturation of media space, which complicates the way of PR-messages of book publishers to the reader.
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