Space contexts of information space as a method of mental mapping of Ukraine
The article studies the space images as the basis for mental space represented in the Ukrainian media. The study of concepts of Ukraine’s mental mapping is extremely important for the modern Ukrainian society, since it allows to understand and outline clearly the key problems of self-identification of Ukrainians, to identify and eliminate the acute problems of national confrontation at the level of perception of the state as a cultural phenomenon, gradually form awareness of integrity through rejection of manipulative images. The objective of the study is to identify the key spatial contexts (mental maps) for the Ukrainian information space, and geographical myths that determine self-awareness of citizens in the regions. In the process of scientific research it was used hypothetical-deductive and analytical methods as well as the method of system approach. In general, the study is a part of a comprehensive research devoted to special nature of space images in text communication, including belles-lettres and media communication. In the author’s opinion, the particular space concepts as the basis of mental space of information consumer specify interpretation of this information and create an opportunity for miscellaneous information manipulations. In the article it is used the concept of a mental map, which is the key one for the theory of space mental mapping. The mental maps of the Ukrainian media scene show a clear opposition of “east”- “west” in the context of positive/negative and axiological positions; as well as fixation of particular geographic myths that are perceived as an axiom, not becoming a subject of understanding and re-assessment in the altered reality both for ordinary information consumers and also for the authors of media texts.
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