Methodology of research of publishing business history
This article is devoted to analysis of the modern methods and methodology of research of publishing business history.
The urgency of research is that the printed word is crucial in development of the independent Ukraine. It forms a socio-political thought, affects the mentality of the Ukrainian people, its spiritual life and revival of historical traditions and development of economy. The necessity of developing the chosen theme is also amplified due to the absence of a special study in the national science, which would include comprehensive system analysis of publishing business, combining all the interrelated components of publishing process. The methodological basis of the proposed research is the main principles of historicism and scientific objectivity, the main methods of scientific and historical knowledge, modern conceptual approaches to study phenomenon of small business in the context of publishing activities. This means the whole of general scientific and special methods and approaches, which can be divided into three main groups: methods of obtaining and accumulation of information; methods of generalization; methods that can explain the results and draw conclusions.The study of the object of analysis is impossible without a digression into the past and clarifying its roots. Consequently the author made an attempt to generalize methodological basis of research based on the main principles of historicism and scientific objectivity, the fundamental provisions of both domestic and individual foreign historical, philosophical and political concepts on the laws and certain specific features of formation and development of publishing. It is concluded that applying general scientific and special methods and approaches makes it possible to trace the main stages and trends in development of publishing business, to clarify its specificity, its role and place at different stages of its development. It is possible to carry out the research tasks as to a systematic and complex analysis of the state of small publishing business, its impact on development of civil society through formation of middle class and comprehensive democratization of all public and state institutions based on empirical and theoretical methods of research.
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