Neuromarketing: history, trends and future development
The article attempts to classify partially and to analyse the main types and methods of neuromarketing research, and also considers the possibilities of development of neuromarketing in Ukraine. The objective of the article is to analyze neuromarketing researches and possibilities of their application in the modern Ukrainian advertising. The stated objective provides for the following tasks: 1) to give a definition of the term “neuromarketing”; 2) to study the history of development of neuromarketing research; 3) to consider the most common methods of such research; 4) to determine the main types and directions of neuromarketing; 5) to analyze the prevalence of this trend in the world and to determine the prospects for its development in Ukraine. The result of the study is as follows: 1. Neuromarketing is a modern and quite effective method of promotion around the world. It involves the use of neurology - the methods that enable to determine the peculiarities of human consumer behavior in response to a variety of marketing incentives. The objective of neuromarketing research is to obtain objective information about personal consumer preferences without resorting to subjective data obtained by traditional marketing tools. Neuromarketing is aimed at providing advertising services with qualitative new information about consumers. 2. This trend has a short history, but in recent years it is becoming widespread throughout the world. Neurocranking methods can be used to study the effectiveness of the consumer's influence on the design of advertising, the taste characteristics of the product, both for the effective promotion of commercial products and products of contemporary art, and to increase the rating of political leaders. 3. In our country, the neuromarketing methods are practically not used, that is why we can say about the emergence of only certain elements of this direction. However, the availability of necessary technical base and potential clients allows us to assume that neuromarketing studies in Ukraine can be successful and commercially profitable.
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