The potential of cinema for use in the educational process remains relatively high. Researchers emphasize the characteristics of feature films that allow them to be used as an effective learning tool: they are a synthetic audiovisual medium that adds dynamism to the learning process; they can create the effect of an active participant in communication, stimulating cognitive activity; they allow the introduction of sociocultural information into the process, which contributes to the expansion of additional knowledge; due to their high artistic and aesthetic value, they have an educational impact. All this highlights the relevance of research exploring the methods of using films in education, particularly in higher education institutions.
This article analyzes the possibilities of using feature films to train future journalists. The research employs experimental and descriptive methods as well as survey and generalization methods.
It is emphasized that feature films used in the educational process can be divided into two conditional thematic groups. The first group includes films about journalists, their professional activities, relationships with society and authorities, etc. The second group consists of films that illustrate a specific issue discussed in the study of a particular subject. It is noted that the use of films or their fragments makes sense if they stimulate engagement with a certain cultural product and context, contributing to familiarity with it and drawing relevant conclusions; are directly related to the development of professional journalistic skills; are relevant to contemporary issues and of interest to students; encourage the expression of personal opinions. The conclusion is that current educational trends involve teaching methods and techniques aimed at the creative, active, and personal perception of the material, unrestricted by academic dogma in the student's relay of generalizations and conclusions. These trends encourage educators to constantly find new and engaging tasks for students, analyze popular trends in the media space, and stay informed about current political, economic, social, and cultural events. In this context, the use of feature films in the study of certain topics in journalism courses seems both feasible and effective.
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