• Serhii Vazhynskyi Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: theater; theater PR; PR strategies; contemporary theater environment; Internet space; content marketing; innovations and technologies; virtual reality; audience experience.


The article explores the importance and relevance of PR strategies in the contemporary theater environment. It examines the approaches and tools theaters can use to attract, retain, and engage with audiences in an era of rapidly changing technologies and cultural trends. The article reveals the importance of analyzing the need to understand the target audience and studying its expectations for further developing individual strategies.

The article explores approaches to using social networks and the Internet for active audience interaction, particularly through regular publications, video content, and interaction in the virtual environment. The article examines the importance of organizing events and participating in festivals to attract attention and build a positive image of the theater. Particular attention is paid to content marketing and the creation of interesting and informative material that broadens the audience's understanding of theater art. Partnerships and cooperation with the media are analyzed as a strategy to increase the reach and interest in theater performances. In addition, innovations and technologies, such as virtual reality, can make theater experiences more immersive and accessible to different groups of viewers. All aspects are considered in the context of the importance of adaptation of theaters to modern challenges, including changes in consumer habits and rapidly changing cultural trends.

The study's findings emphasize that theater PR must be flexible, innovative, and open to experimentation in today's world. An important role is played by constant study of the audience and adaptation to its changing preferences and behavior. Thus, theaters will be able to survive and thrive, actively developing their connection with the audience in the era of digitalization and global changes.


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Author Biography

Serhii Vazhynskyi, Lviv Polytechnic National University

PhD student at the Department of Media Technologies, Information and Book Business,
Institute of Printing and Media Technologies,
Lviv Polytechnic National University


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How to Cite
Vazhynskyi, S. (2024). THEATER PR: PR STRATEGY IN THE MODERN THEATER ENVIRONMENT. Integrated Communications, (2 (18), 124-129.
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