The main aspects of studying the problem of media socialization as a new direction in the theory of socialization are revealed. The works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers are analyzed. The use of the concepts of "media socialisation", "infosocialisation", "cybersocialisation", and "internet socialisation" in scientific discourse raises the issue of their differentiation, which is related to the ability of scholars to formulate definitions of these concepts clearly. Particular attention is drawn to the definitions attested in scientific works collected by the method of information and contextual searches.
The paper uses the definitional analysis of dictionary entries (available only in Wikipedia) and contextual uses of the concepts under study (in the scientific literature) to analyse their main features and specifics of functioning, to identify logical errors in the definitions, to outline the main vectors of systemic relations and to focus on the generic-species interaction with other concepts. The systematisation of the collected material and lexical and semantic analysis helped to identify the conceptual ambiguity of the term media socialisation, its contextual synonyms and lexical and semantic relations of hyper- and hyponymy. The method of unification of the inventoried definitions of the concept of 'media socialisation' made it possible to propose the author's own definitions within the scope of the concepts of "socialisation technology" and "media technology".
As a result, it is noted that in the Ukrainian scientific discourse, the concepts of "media socialisation", "infosocialisation", "cybersocialisation", and "Internet socialisation", depending on the contextual conditionality of the choice, form four vectors of systemic relations – identity, intersection, sequential subordination and contradiction; the content of the concept of 'media socialisation' at the level of contextual uses represents five vectors of genus-species interaction with other concepts, as well as conceptually heterogeneous definitions, in the structure of which there are various generic concepts – "component", "aspect", "direction", "factor", "socialization/type of socialization", "phenomenon", "relationship", which requires a unified fixation on levels of lexicographic fixation.
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