Modern educational technologies play a crucial role in enhancing the learning process and preparing students to meet the challenges and demands of the contemporary world. Their advantages include accessibility, innovation, individualization, motivation, interaction, and communication. Innovative technologies not only make learning more engaging and effective but also contribute to the development of essential skills and competencies. Leading pedagogical methods encompass a wide range of tools that promote comprehensive student development in the digital age. These include interactive learning platforms, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), gamification, adaptive learning systems, cloud technologies, machine learning, and data analysis. T he aim of this study is to explore modern innovative educational technologies and their impact on improving the learning process. The primary focus is on analyzing the advantages and opportunities these technologies provide, as well as identifying key developmental directions. To achieve this goal, several tasks were undertaken: analyzing the conceptual framework of the study; defining and describing the application areas; clarifying the roles and specific features of these technologies in the current information assimilation process; examining the use of the latest educational trends in learning; and uncovering the potential of innovative technologies in the educational process. T he use of analysis, synthesis, and content analysis methods allowed for the identification and examination of resources, tools, and mechanisms, providing a comprehensive characterization and description and establishing their effectiveness. An empirical approach was applied, along with systematic interpretation and generalization of results. Additionally, the case study method was used, enabling the exploration of various innovative technologies as phenomena and comparing their implementation features across different modern platforms and contexts.
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