• Volodymyr Biletskyi NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • Hanna Onkovych
Keywords: complexity of the educational process, media competence, professionally oriented media education, media didactics, wiki didactics, film didactics, site didactics, electronic libraries, higher professional education.


The complex application of Internet didactics (wiki, film, site, blog, webinarodactics) and electronic libraries in modern domestic university education is described. It is shown that this approach strengthens the effect of each component (component) of Internet didactics. At the same time, their combination is chosen by the teacher in a certain individual case. The conditions for the successful implementation of such synergy are the availability of the primary professional source base of the educational process, material, technical and software support for «teacher-student» communication, and the creation and use of video, audio, and text information. The media literacy of both sides is ensured in advance – both teaching staff and students; at the same time, the teaching staff, as well as employers, are expected not only to possess the equipment and technology of the online teaching process but also to create the products themselves – educational films, websites, blogs, webinars, Wikipedia articles, etc. A synergistic combination of scientific research and the educational process is important for a student, which can be optimally achieved by bringing the student and the university closer to the employer. For a teacher, the complexity of his professional activity at the university with «inclusion» in the global scientific and teaching environment is important – due to the presence of the teacher’s (scientist’s) work in international scientometric databases, libraries, at the sites of scientific conferences, symposia, etc.
So, the complex effect of the use of wiki, film, site, web didactics and electronic libraries in modern domestic university education and science has the following components:
- firstly, to increase the effectiveness of online education, the teacher simultaneously uses wiki-, film-, site-, blog-, and webinar-didactics in the most effective combination for his subject;
- secondly, the conditions for the successful implementation of such synergy are the presence of a primary professional source base of the educational process, material, technical and software support for «teacher-student» communication;
- thirdly, it is necessary to ensure the media literacy of both parties beforehand;
- fourthly, a synergistic combination of scientific research and the educational process is important for a student;
- fifthly, it is important for a teacher to synergistically combine his professional activity with «inclusion» in the global
scientific and teaching environment.


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Author Biographies

Volodymyr Biletskyi, NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

doctor of technical sciences, professor, NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Hanna Onkovych

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor


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How to Cite
Biletskyi, V., & Onkovych, H. (2024). COMPLEX APPLICATION OF INTERNET DIDACTICS AND ELECTRONIC LIBRARIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Integrated Communications, (1 (17), 203-210.
Media educational communications