To the Problem of Restoration of Cultural Values of Ukraine: Socio-Cultural Initiatives
The article examines the problem of the impact of Russian aggression on the cultural heritage of Ukraine, analyzes the amount of damage and destruction of its objects. The authors of the article analyze existing socio-cultural initiatives, the purpose of which is to protect the cultural heritage and restore the cultural values of Ukraine. It has been established that the existing initiatives are quite diverse and versatile, as they approach the issue of saving cultural values from different points of view. At the same time, they are separate and uncoordinated among themselves, because some of them have similar, if not identical, areas of activity. Despite the fact that today there are also international initiatives aimed at saving Ukrainian cultural values, they are created «from outside», so Ukrainian institutions do not have a significant influence on them. We see a problem in the absence of a global international organization created in Ukraine and partially financed by its government, which would take care of spreading information about the problem of the destruction of Ukrainian cultural heritage objects to external audiences, collecting funds for the restoration of cultural values and «building bridges» between various initiatives, public organizations, business representatives and experts to better coordinate efforts and achieve more impressive results. Obviously, with proper planning, such an organization has great potential to achieve its goal, because the topic of restoration of cultural values is quite relevant and in demand today. Having reviewed various projects and initiatives aimed at preserving Ukrainian cultural heritage, we notice that all of them are quite diverse and versatile, as they approach the issue of saving cultural values from different points of view. In addition, it is important that the preservation of heritage is the main activity of such an organization, which would allow it not to disperse its capabilities, but to concentrate resources on the main goal. We see the prospect of further research in a detailed analysis of all aspects of creating such an organization in the future.
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