The Specificity of Cultural Identity in the Problems of Modern Media

  • Inga Pohrebniak Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Maryna Yasinska Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: cultural identity, modern Ukrainian media, manipulative narratives, cultural and art space, polyphonic coloring, thematic context


The article is devoted to the study of the modern Ukrainian media («Chitomo», «Lirum», «Moviegram», «Your Art», individual materials of the publications «Ukrainian Pravda», «Ukrinform») topics in the context of cultural and art identity. After all, the realities of Russia’s war against Ukraine reveal the leveling and destruction of the Ukrainian nation, as well as an aggressive policy towards the territories. The article highlights the directions of modern media culture: literary, museum, musical, cinematographic, information-sociological, historical, visual. The article outlines the acute need to create a media space that is capable of defending national identity and giving a worthy response to the manipulative narratives of the aggressor country. Modern Ukrainian media in the cultural and art sense are rather multidimensional with regard to the thematic dimensions of the issues. In particular, the Ukrainian languages uniqueness, the book publishing market, the Ukrainian cultures popularization, which is not distorted by elements of inferiority, highlighting the directors and producers work at international festivals, the promotion of novelties in the audiovisual world, the creation of an online anthology (collection, publication and translation of Ukrainian writers texts about the war), archiving of memories and personal impressions of the Ukrainian intellectual elite, internet publication with author’s studies of visual art, informative discourse on animation, TV series, analytical materials on modern Ukrainian cinema, motivation in consuming Ukrainian content, dialogue with the world community. During a full-scale invasion, the cultural media establish a dialogue with the global community. The hybrid war that Russia has been waging for years has blocked all kinds of opportunities to show the international community the true features of our state, which is not blurred by expressions about «fraternal nations» and the like. Therefore, having learned about us now, the world has become more active in its desire to learn more about Ukraine, in its desire to cooperate. Narratives about the «greatness» of Russian identity are gradually shifting to another vector. Now the leading idea is the Ukrainian «indomitability», which is corrected by the motives of a complex identity in the difficult conditions of the aggressive policy of the enemy. Therefore, media cultures during a full-scale invasion are an integral element in the consolidation of society for the purpose of building new values and ideals, rejecting the ideas of convergence (undergrowth). The specificity of national identity can be seen in their polyphonic coloring materials, besides, such mass media are a powerful tool for popularizing Ukrainian culture (in particular, military) and history in the world context.


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Author Biographies

Inga Pohrebniak, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Head at the Department of Journalism and New Media, Faculty of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.

Maryna Yasinska, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Master’s degree student (Journalism), Faculty of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.


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How to Cite
Pohrebniak, I., & Yasinska, M. (2023). The Specificity of Cultural Identity in the Problems of Modern Media. Integrated Communications, (2 (16), 57-62.
Media communications