Distance Lexicographic Discourse: Media Platforms Of Communicative Interaction
The article highlights the problem field of remote lexicographic discourse, the parameters of the vectors of iits description and typological varieties with regard to the terminographic aspect. This problem still does not have relevant coverage in the scientific literature, which gives every reason to propose the author’s own vision of it. The use of the method of problem analysis made it possible to outline the following parameters of the description of remote lexicographic discourse: subject of communication; participants (subjects), channels, vectors of communicative interaction (discursive vectors) and means of communication. System analysis and the method of going from the abstract to the specific made it possible to distinguish in a remote format: on the one hand, intracultural, intercultural (intercultural), transcultural and multicultural lexicographic discourses; on the other – dictionary discourse, dictionary article discourse, terminological and terminographic discourses and lexicographic discourse of terminological schools. Content analysis and the descriptive method highlighted the correlations between the varieties of remote lexicographic discourse and the media platforms of communicative interaction representing them. The use of methods of observation, lexicographic, comparative, systematic analysis and the method of analysis of dictionary definitions made it possible to identify, in accordance with three classification criteria (addressee, communication channel and relation to ethnoculture): the main varieties of lexicographic discourse; a list for each variety with the corresponding platform of mediated (remote) communicative interaction. It has been established that varieties of lexicographic discourse are correlated between the major vectors of communicative interaction. Such a correlation helps to find out on specific examples which media platforms of mediated (distance) communicative interaction as mediators can be used in one or another variety. It is noted that the communicative interaction in the lexicographic discourse involves not only the transfer of information in the format of a dictionary (text), but also the exchange of information about the dictionary in its various forms, including remote.
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