Destin-Ation integration: the impact of the European Destin Project (2018–2022) on Ukrainian journalism and media education

  • Ian Gadd Bath Spa University
  • Rachael McDonald Bath Spa University
  • Adele Keane Bath Spa University
Keywords: journalism, media, universities, students, Bologna Process, Ukraine, war


DESTIN: Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity, and Professionalism was an Erasmus+ funded project involving twenty partners across Europe and Ukraine that aimed to transform the environment for journalism in Ukraine by working with university departments, employers, and other key stakeholders to ensure that higher education programmes better matched the needs of students, the media sector, and democratic society more generally. Between November 2018 and November 2022, it led to the development and implementation of twenty new and revised BA and MA programmes in journalism and media at ten Ukraine universities; seventeen online ‘media literacy’ courses aimed at the Ukrainian public; ‘National Methodological Guidelines’ for BA and MA Journalism programmes shared with Ministry of Education and Science; creation of the Ukrainian Forum for Educators in Media and Journalism; and a dual-diploma Polish-Ukrainian MA programme in journalism, launched in September 2022. This essay will report on the project’s goals, activities, achievements, impact, and legacy and underline the value of education for both improving the quality of journalism and preserving democratic values, particularly during a time of war.


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Author Biographies

Ian Gadd, Bath Spa University

Professor of English Literature, Head of Development for European Projects, Bath Spa University, UK.

Rachael McDonald, Bath Spa University

International Grants Administrative Manager, Bath Spa University, UK.

Adele Keane, Bath Spa University

EU and International Grants Administrator, Bath Spa University, UK.


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Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism. Erasmus+ Project Results. Website.

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How to Cite
Gadd, I., McDonald, R., & Keane, A. (2023). Destin-Ation integration: the impact of the European Destin Project (2018–2022) on Ukrainian journalism and media education. Integrated Communications, (1 (15), 13-20.
Theory and practice of journalism