Born in the Past: Publishing practices of the interwar Galiciain the context of searches of the modern innovation strategies

  • Nadiia Zelinska Ukrainian Academy of Printing
Keywords: publishing activity, innovative approaches, concern «Ukrainska presa» (“Ukrainian Press”), Ivan Tyktor, repertoire policy, reading culture


The innovation approaches to implementation of the effective publishing business in Ukraine, which is revalent within the conditions of the economic crisis, reduction of the interest for reading, and modern mass media competitiveness, are searching mostly in the modern publishing practices of the developed countries. The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate that not less productive models were used in the native past. The author considers the phenomenal experience of the concern «Ukrainska presa» (“Ukrainian Press”) (Lviv, 1923–1939) established by the prominent publisher Ivan Tyktor. According to research, even with the «amendment» to the technological revolution and mental and ideological changes in the reading environment, fundamental conceptions of the activities of the concern have not lost relevance. First of all, they are in detail research on the requirements needs of the publishing market, public demand sensitivity and at the same time development of the readers’ tastes, and improving the reading culture. All this resulted in a flexible repertoire policy, differentiated work with different audiences, engagement of the great intellectuals of that time to the publishing, a variety of promotional activities. Nowadays these approaches are perceived as completely innovative.


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Author Biography

Nadiia Zelinska, Ukrainian Academy of Printing
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Media Communications, Ukrainian Academy of Printing


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How to Cite
Zelinska, N. (2021). Born in the Past: Publishing practices of the interwar Galiciain the context of searches of the modern innovation strategies. Integrated Communications, (1 (11), 63-68.
Publishing, information, library and archival studies