Consciousness Manipulation and Media Terrorismas Components of Threats to Democratization of Society and National Security

  • Oleg Barna Ivan Franko National Universityof Lviv
Keywords: hybrid war, national security, information security, information manipulation, post-truth, mass media and communication


The article is devoted to the study of the role of the information component in the hybrid war against Ukraine. Problems of information security and protection of the national information space from negative manipulative and psychological influences are revealed. The analysis of the media space of Ukraine is carried out and the causal connection between the occurrence of information manipulations and media terrorism is established. The participation, action, and counteraction of mass media and communication in information manipulations and the role of the human factor in it are described. Practical recommendations for improving the state information policy are given. Ways to counteract information manipulation and media terrorism as factors of destabilization of national security of Ukraine and threat of democratization processes are offered.


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Author Biography

Oleg Barna, Ivan Franko National Universityof Lviv
PhD student, Ivan Franko National Universityof Lviv


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How to Cite
Barna, O. (2021). Consciousness Manipulation and Media Terrorismas Components of Threats to Democratization of Society and National Security. Integrated Communications, (1 (11), 48-54.
Theory and practice of journalism