Bullying at School: Covering a Problem on the Facebook

  • Anzhela Sliusarenko Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: information and communication channel, bullying, Facebook, harassment


The article highlights the current problem: the situation of bullying in modern Ukrainian schools, its negative and longterm consequences for victims of bullying, as well as what are the risks for the bully (offender) in the future after bullying. The aim of the study is to examine the peculiarities of the creation and promotion of information and communication channel “Counterbullying”. Methods used for research are the following: analysis, synthesis, generalization, and content analysis. The article analyses how anti-bullying legislation operates in Ukraine and the number of sentences passed since the law came into force. In addition, we studied the most popular social network in Ukraine, Facebook, its audience, how much time users spend on this social network, and why it came out on top in 2017. Besides, we analyse in the coverage of Facebook socially important problem of bullying by the following criteria: the number of subscribers, the language of posts, the frequency of updates, the general characteristics.

The paper considers electronic communication has reached almost unlimited possibilities. Although information and communication are different concepts, they intersect in one thing: the appropriate means (channel) includes the circulation of information from communicator to communicator. Whereas previously communication channels mainly provided twoway messaging, today it is a multilateral process, where any subject of such interaction is both the addressee and the addressee. The mechanism of creation of the information and communication channel is developed and presented in the article that provides selection of the theme and platform for content. Given analysis of the target audience is necessary to correctly determine the platform and format of the content, as well as tools for promoting the information and communication channel.


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Author Biography

Anzhela Sliusarenko, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Master of the Institute of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


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How to Cite
Sliusarenko, A. (2021). Bullying at School: Covering a Problem on the Facebook. Integrated Communications, (2 (10), 66-70. https://doi.org/10.28925/2524-2644.2020.2-10.12
Scientific researches of students