Innovative projects for inclusive publishing (the case of an interactive book with tasks for the development and correction of the speech apparatus in children with hearing, vision, and psychophysical disorders)

  • Kateryna Kriachok Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: interactive book, digital book, interactive tasks, interactive learning, personal learning, speech correction, speech development, hearing impairments, visual impairments, psychophysical disorders, communication


The article presents the results of a study conducted to find the optimal structure of a competitive inclusive publication for a certain readership, which would have a socially responsible practical purpose and could interest the readership.
The final result of the project involves the creation and implementation of four parts of an interactive digital book for the development and correction of speech in children with various disabilities. It will create a well-established communication strategy in the development, adaptation, and socialization of such children in society based on the created innovation project.
The purpose of the book is to teach such children basic things and concepts, to develop or adjust speech, fine motor skills, auditory attention, and general perception of the world around them. It will help them integrate into society, socialize and become full members, rather than remain isolated.
The project objectives are to develop a clear concept and the most simple, intuitive interface, which is necessary for the convenience of both the teacher and special children. Another considerable objective is to create a clear structure and procedure for studying topics, working on content, filling these topics, and developing practical tasks for selfimplementation.


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Author Biography

Kateryna Kriachok, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Lecturer of the Department of Publishing Studies, Institute of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


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How to Cite
Kriachok, K. (2021). Innovative projects for inclusive publishing (the case of an interactive book with tasks for the development and correction of the speech apparatus in children with hearing, vision, and psychophysical disorders). Integrated Communications, (2 (10), 16-19.
Publishing and editing