Environmental Education within the Context of Libraries

  • Yelyzaveta Halaktionova Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: library business, eco-education, environmental innovations, eco-libraries, innovation, library reforms


The research examines the experience of implementing environmental education through libraries in Germany and Ukraine. The urgency and importance of creating “green libraries” are considered. The aim is to study the experience of environmental education through projects implemented by selected libraries. This goal has been achieved by general scientific methods, in particular, by describing the experience of implementing environmental education, analyzing existing projects of “green libraries”, generalizing the activity of eco-libraries successfully implemented in Ukraine and Germany. Project activities in the field of environmental education, FaBio book collections (Mainheim, Germany) and EcoLibrary (Lviv, Ukraine) are considered in detail. Prospects of ecological education as well as book collections are outlined.


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Author Biography

Yelyzaveta Halaktionova, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Third-year student, Institute of Journalism at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


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How to Cite
Halaktionova, Y. (2021). Environmental Education within the Context of Libraries. Integrated Communications, (2 (12), 48-50. https://doi.org/10.28925/2524-2644.2021.2-12.6
Information, library and archival studies