Educational, Socio-Humanitarian and Project Activities of the Department of Library Science and Information Science at the Institute of Journalism (2016-2021)
The article considers the project activities and socio-humanitarian work of the Department of Library Science and Information Science at Grinchenko University for five years. The aim of the article is to highlight the activities and achievements of both teachers and students of the department during the implementation of the new educational strategy. To achieve this goal, the following research methods are used: analysis of the source base, monitoring of the site of the department, description of the educational and project activities of the department. Attention is paid to the renewal of educational programmes, the introduction of a new specialty, the results of students’ work in the Competence Centers and projects that develop flexible skills of students. The results are an analysis of practice-oriented learning, a description of the implemented plans and active socio-humanitarian activities of the staff of the department and students, interaction with partners. Significant projects aimed at popularising the activities of the Department of Library Science and Information Science, the Institute of Journalism and Grinchenko University are highlighted.
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