Interaction of the Ukrainian Book Institute with the target audience
The article is a research about the institution Ukrainian Book Institute, which has not been analysed before and which is an important link in the promotion of reading and Ukrainian publications in Ukraine and abroad. The Ukrainian Book Institute performs several key functions related to the publishing business, which affects book publishers and readers. So the topic of the institution’s interaction with its target audience is important.
The Ukrainian Book Institute organises various book events for children, teenagers, and adults, which requires maintaining a dialogue between the institution and the general public. This is necessary to understand the needs of the Ukrainians and their awareness of the functionality of the institution. The institution is the main one in Ukraine in representing the publishing interests of the country abroad, which also needs feedback from the professional audience. The existing experience of the Ukrainian Book Institute deserves to be studied and described, as it can be a socially useful asset in the context of improving the culture of the population and popularizing Ukrainian books in the world. The lack of research in the scientific literature on the issue of popularization of Ukrainian books and publishing in the context of the work of the profile institution and its communication with the population has necessitated the analysis and study of these aspects.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the activities of the Ukrainian Book Institute in the context of the promotion of Ukrainian books and to determine the features of the institute’s
interaction with the target audience.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that based on the survey the specifics of the interaction of the Ukrainian Book Institute with a wide and professional audience were determined.
As a result of the research, the theory was improved for the first time — a typology of promotion projects of the Ukrainian Book Institute was developed.
The coverage of the results of the study also offers recommendations for activities that will have a positive impact on public awareness of the activities of the institution and the effectiveness of book promotion.
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