Chukanova S. О. Library Science and Information Science in the US Higher Education System: Monograph. Index of contents

  • Tetiana Dmytrenko
Keywords: Chukanova S. О., «Library Science and Information Science in the US Higher Education System», monograph.


The monograph discusses the organizational and methodological foundations of the professional training of specialists in library science and informology in the US higher education system: structure and content, forms of organization, orientation of professional training to ensure the professional mobility of these
specialists. The directions of using the US experience in modernization of professional training of specialists of information, library and archives in Ukraine are defined and substantiated.


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Author Biography

Tetiana Dmytrenko

Student, laboratory assistant of Library Science and Informology, Institute of Journalism of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Chukanova, S. О. (2018), «Library Science and Information Science in the US Higher Education System», мonograph, Kyiv: Ahrar Media Hrup, 436 p.

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How to Cite
Dmytrenko, T. (2019). Chukanova S. О. Library Science and Information Science in the US Higher Education System: Monograph. Index of contents. Integrated Communications, (7), 93-94.
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