• Anastasiia Boiaryn
Keywords: media environment, new media, mass media, social media, library, user, media space


The scientific work is devoted to the investigation of the modern library media space and its interaction with mass media.
The relevance of the research topic is that the media environment of the modern library is multifaceted, and the expansion of its own media space makes it possible for the library to become the center of community life and to attract young people through new media as well.
The purpose of the research is to study and analyze the media environment of libraries in Ukraine, the prospects for the development of elements of journalistic activity in the modern library and the need for new forms of communication in the information society.
The objectives of the research are: analysis of the source base on the topic of research; study of the media environment of Ukrainian libraries by questioning the library staff; development of the project and recording of the radio interview “Media space of the modern library” with representatives of Kyiv libraries.

Using the methods of source study analysis, content analysis of institutional websites, generalization and sociocommunication, the questionnaire survey was conducted, the media environment of Ukrainian libraries and their interaction with mass media and new media were investigated. The media space of the modern library is a complicated and sufficiently voluminous topic. Library workers gradually depart from providing a standard service within the library stack only and begin to examine a new media actively.

Modern readers need to find information and to orient in the information space quickly enough, so the library has to  be able to help them in this. Therefore, in its work, library workers actively use modern methods of communicating with users, such as websites and social networks. The research found out that the effectiveness of the library’s presence in new media depends on the goals and tasks of the library itself, the expansion of its media space and the need to attract new users. The author declares that the frequency of updating of the posts and creating of the unique media product affects the popularity of the pages in social media and increases the number of audience.

DOI: 10.28925/2524-2644.2018.6.4


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How to Cite
Boiaryn, A. (2018). MEDIA ENVIROMENT OF MODERN LIBRARY. Integrated Communications, (6), 33-40.
Book science, library science and bibliography