«Integrated communications» is an digital academic journal of the Faculty of Journalism of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University. The original articles and reports related to researches in the sphere of journalism, theory and history of social communications, applied social communication technologies, advertising and public relations, publishing and editing, media production are published in this journal. Th e academic journal is intended for scientists, students and specialists of social communication sphere.
The digital scientific journal Integrated Communication is included in The List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine ("Б" category, to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated February 21, 2024, No 220). The results of dissertations for obtaining the academic degrees of Doctor of Science, Candidate of Science, and Philosophy Doctor can be published in the journal (Science: Social Communications; specialities: 061 Journalism).
ISSN 2524-2652 (Online)
Year of foundation - 2016.
The journal is published twice a year.
UDC 070+659
DOI: https://doi.org/10.28925/2524-2644
The journal is referenced, indexed, and archived in: